Marital counseling woes

Often we blog about doctors and nurses in this space.

But here is an interesting case about a social worker who voluntarily surrendered her license to the state.

According to the consent order, Susan Avery, a social worker in Virginia Beach, was providing marriage counseling in March of 2006 when the clients decided to end the martial therapy. One of clients (presumably the wife from the consent order’s language) then scheduled an individual session with Avery.

Avery told the woman’s husband that she had scheduled an appointment and did the same thing for the husband who also scheduled an individual therapy session (informing the wife.)

In addition to breaking this client confidentiality regulation, Avery also kept incomplete records for both clients.

According to the consent order, Avery gave her license up and is entering another line of work.

One Response to Marital counseling woes

  1. Thanks for your wonderful insight, as with any form of life changing events we should always study and look for the right solutions and follow our hearts… and it is never to late to say “I am sorry” for anything! Healing takes time, but worth it when you can forgive others.

    Thanks again,


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