$24,000 fine for dentist; near death for 3-year-old

A consent order filed with the Virginia Board of Dentistry said dentist Kathryn Biery was put on probation over the misuse of anesthesia, which is used frequently in dental procedures. Biery was the focus on of a story on dental sedation by the Harrionsburg paper. Biery, among other things, failed to complete a comprehensive pre-operative assessment of a 3 year-old girl. Before the operation, the amount of Vistaril given to the girl exceeded the the FDA recommended dosage, the order says.

That overdose might have led to the near death of the 3-year-old named Dakota, one newspaper accused.

Biery, according to the order, also allowed an unlicensed dental assistant to administer nitrous oxide to the same girl and allowed unlicensed personal to handle anesthesia, push medications and starts I.V’s. The order also mentions that parents under pre-op medication were frequently left alone with their children.

Biery told the board that she has changed her procedures. She was fined $24,000, given two years of probation and must enroll in 45 hours of continuing education classes. That is the equivalent to an average college load for three semesters.



Photos from Biery's Web site and Harrionsburg newspaper

6 Responses to $24,000 fine for dentist; near death for 3-year-old

  1. […] came across this post – $24,000 fine for dentist; near death for 3-year-old – and thought it was worth sharing. I hope you find it interesting too and take the time to read […]

  2. Dan Frith says:

    Unbelievable! Just unbelievable!

    And Congress and our state representatives are doing everything they can to limit lawsuits for this type of outrageous negligence.

  3. Dr Robert Campbell, Professor Emeritus of Anesthesiology, Medical College of Virginia says:

    This web posting is NOT accurate!! I was at the Board hearing! The patient did have a bronchospasm, but Dr Biery and the anesthesia team administered all the correct medications, secured the airway with an endotracheal tube gave the appropriate intravenous medications and transferred the patient to the hospital. She did not lose her license but was fined. The reporter for the Daily News Report, Harrisonburg, Va, wrote several “sensationalism” and incomplete articles inaccurately castigating Dr Biery. Another example of “drive by media” in action. She saved the child and the child is just as healthy as when she went into the office.

  4. Dr Robert Campbell, Professor Emeritus of Anesthesiology, Medical College of Virginia says:

    I don’t think my reply needs” moderation”, it is not emotional, denigrating or over exaggerated.

  5. Dr Robert Campbell says:

    I sent in my response but it wasn’t posted! Why not?

  6. medcasewatch says:

    Dr. Campbell,

    My apologies for not getting your comment posted ASAP. I have been unable to update this blog as regularly as I have in the past.

    Thank you for your response to this entry. I have changed the top portion of the entry to read that she was put on probation, which was clarified lower in the entry.

    My best

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